Importance of staying upright in labor

Being upright is an ideal position for it helps the baby make space for its moving and pushing and eases labor for both

Our amazing pelvis, the joint in the front symphysis pubis, the joint at the backs, sacroiliac, and here’s the tailbone, which is called the coccyx. These are basically the joints. People wonder how that baby will pass through this pelvis. So did you know that this pelvis is capable of spreading and opening?

This sacrum moves backward as the baby passes and this tailbone moves away making more room for the baby to pass through. How does that achieve it? So some part is done by hormones that make this ligament softer throughout pregnancy so that this movement can happen easily around birth. The rest happens as the mother stays in more upright positions and she can move around and there are no restrictions to these different joints from moving.

A woman who’s upright, the weight of the babies pushing against these structures are gradually opening and making space as the baby needs to move, remove the mother. Obviously, we can’t go inside and move the baby. So we moved the mother and in a relationship, the baby’s ability to move through the pelvis. Compare it to a mom who is now forced on her back.

These joints are kind of stuck. And so is this one if she’s sitting on it. And the baby’s weight has known to push the pubic symphysis to make room. Do you think that will work? Also, she’s upright and she squats, the legs will pull the pelvis and make more room and make birth easier.

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