Biophysical Profile Test

Understand from this video when a Biophysical Profile test is recommended, what it means, and what can be derived from it

See a biophysical profile test is done in very limited situations, in cases where the mother is diabetic or hypertensive, or there are multiple pregnancies, in circumstances where the umbilical fluid is less or more. So we include the moments of the baby and there should be three moments in 30 minutes, the baby should be moving actively and when the baby moves, the heart should accelerate and the respiratory movement. So we give a count for all of this and then we finally decide whether to deliver or to wait and watch or what exactly needs to be done for the future course of action. So if the count is around eight to 10, we give like the count is like, the normal count is 10. 10 by 10 is perfect. 8 to 10 is also good.

Anything less than, anything six, then we say, okay, reassess the pregnancy after 24 to 48 hours. Anything under six means four or two, she needs to be delivered. And that all does depend upon the number of weeks of pregnancy. You just don’t have a standardized opinion on all those things.

So anything about 36 weeks and a count of four, we need to deliver. So all this is all variable. And it’s normally done after 32 weeks, not prior to that. It’s not indicated prior to that. And I could add one thing very frequently people say that we really can’t feel the fetal movement. And at that time, most of the indications we see are at that time, although, you know, one could do a Doppler and just see whether the baby’s moving or not.

But that’s also one indication. Yes. Yes.