The first 3 months of a baby’s life

Divya Deswal shares how the baby needs the same nurturing and care as the womb even after the first 3 months after birth

An amazing structure pelvis. What happened when human beings stood up on their two feet? If I was a four-legged animal, my pelvis would stay this way and my legs would come out from here. But it also meant that my pelvis was more square, like this. But as human beings, Homosapien stood up the shape of the pelvis, changed to a bit of a funnel that made the outlet small and the inlet widen up so that the legs could be supported well.

And did you know that, we are one of the most intelligent species? So how do those babies head come out of this altered pelvis? The compromise between the mother and baby is that I will be born after nine months of gestation if and only if you are going to keep me just like you did in the uterus for the next three months. This neurological immaturity is seen in small babies and newborns.

They cannot maintain their body temperature. Their necks are not fixed and they are expecting us to give them the same nurturing that a womb does. This means constant contact, feeding on demand, keeping them warm, keeping them close to us, a little bit of a rocking movement, similar things that they did when they were inside.

So if you are going to have a little baby in your house, start to think, how can I keep my baby in the same way as he was in the womb for at least the first three months of life.

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