The role of father in breastfeeding

Father has a significant role to play in breastfeeding while the mother nurtures the baby, the father should nurture her

So with the promotion of breastfeeding, wanting to go back connecting with the mother and the baby, you’re starting to see a dynamic approach of how the family starts to come together. So father plays an extremely important role in supporting and being the context for the mother’s wellbeing. So to say, and there is an, there is an aspect in our culture that we need to understand about mothering the mother.

And that’s very, very essential because nurturing is important. And when she, not just the baby be not you her, and this is something that can be shared by the family members, especially the spouse. Who is a part of her life in a day to day and the connection that the father makes, even though we do not see a biological connection into, in the dance of having a pregnancy and then the bug and breastfeeding, which is a very intimate process between the mother and baby.

There are hormonal changes have that happened for the fathers, but during the time of pregnancy and the father is prepared biologically. And psychologically through this process of changes that happen within him to become the father that he becomes. And this is something that we need to acknowledge.

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